
1996, ficction, 35 mm, color, 97 Min.
Director and Screenplay: Solveig Hoogesteijn
Director of Photography: Andrés Agusti
Music: Víctor Cuica
Sound: Germinal Hernández
Editor: Sergio Curiel
Executive Producer: Delfina Catalá y Christian Castillo
Asociate Producer: Solveig Hoogesteijn
Soledad – Irma Salcedo
Paula – Laura del Sol
Santero – Víctor Cuica
Hermana – Gledys Ibarra
Cuñado – Gonzalo Cubero
Paula, a Spanish doctor who works for Amnesty International, meets Soledad in prison. Soledad is a Santeria healer, accused of having killed her
brother-in-law and a girl through black magic rites. Paula considers that all magic is superstition. She travels to the coastal town and inquires. With her we know the secret history of Soledad, history of hidden powers, ancestral rites and passionate temptations.
Who is Soledad? A saint or a witch?
- Best Actress, Irma Salcedo, National Association of Cinematographic
- Authors, Caracas, 1997
- Best Supporting Actress, Gledys Ibarra, National Association of
- Cinematographic Authors, Caracas 1997
- Best Feature Film Music 1997, Víctor Cuica, Municipal Prize of the Dto.
- Federal, Caracas, 1997
- Best Photography, Andrés Agustí, Municipal Prize of the Dto. Federal,
- Caracas, 1997
- Best Actress, Irma Salcedo, Municipal Prize of the Dto. Federal, Caracas,
- 1997