1986, fiction, 35mm. Colour, 90min

Screenplay: Solveig Hoogesteijn and Milagros Rodriguez

Direction and Executive Production: Solveig Hoogesteijn

Director of Photography: Andrés Agusti

Music: Victor Cuica

Sound: Stefano Gramitto

Editing: José Alcalde

Production: Olegario Barrera


Macu – Maria Luisa Mosquera

Ismael – Daniel Alvarado

Simón – Frank Spano

Abuela – Carmen Palma

Madre – Ana Castell

Inspector – Iván Feo


What happens when an 11 years old girl is given to a man 20 years older? The inevitable: At 14, a mother of two children, a teenager in full rebellion, looking for her own identity, Macu the child woman falls in love with Simón, the daring young man, who challenges her husband Ismael doubly: as a jealous man and as an armed policeman. The neighborhood watches, comments and sings. Ismael acts. Simon and two of his friends disappear. There are no witnesses, no accomplices, only missing victims… But Macu does not accept such an inexorable verdict.


  • Mesquite Award for Best Film,San Antonio Festival, Texas, 1988
  • Best Film 1987, Municipal Council Award of the Dto. Federal, Caracas, 1987
  • Best Direction 1987, Municipal Council Award of the Dto. Federal, Caracas.
  • Best Actor 1987, Daniel Alvarado, Award Municipal Council of the Dto. Federal, Caracas, 1987
  • Best Actor 1987, Daniel Alvarado, National Association of Cinematographic 
  • Authors, Caracas, 1987
  • In 1987 “Macu, the policewoman” is presented at the Museum of Modern Art in New York – MOMA

MACU, THE POLICEMAN’S WIFE breaks all box office records in the history of cinema in Venezuela, a record not surpassed that year 1986, by blockbusters such as ET and Superman.
